Reddit Karma is essentially the scorecard for gauging a user's influence within the Reddit community. It's tallied from the upvotes one garners through their submissions and remarks.
There are dual facets of Karma on Reddit: Karma from Posts and Karma from Comments. The aggregate Karma visible on a user's profile represents the sum of these two forms.
Reddit Karma represents the credibility of your account, derived from your activities in terms of posts and comments.
Karma for a user is prominently shown on their profile page or becomes visible when you hover over their username.
There are two kinds of Karma:
Yet, it's the Total Karma that's actually displayed on a user's profile, aggregating both these categories!
Reddit Upvotes and Karma serve distinct purposes and are not identical.
Here's a straightforward explanation to make the differences clear.
To start, Reddit upvotes can be likened to "likes" on other social media platforms. When you share content or leave a comment, other users can upvote it to express their appreciation or interest. These upvotes directly reflect the community's approval of your contribution.
Karma, conversely, is somewhat more intricate. It represents a tally of your overall contributions to the Reddit community, influenced by the upvotes your posts and comments receive. However, it's crucial to note that Karma doesn't mirror your upvotes on a one-for-one basis. Reddit employs a specific algorithm to convert upvotes into Karma, implying that the amount of Karma earned from a given number of upvotes can differ.
For instance, achieving 100 upvotes on a submission does not automatically result in 100 points of Karma.
To give you a head start, here are some subreddits where I’ve successfully farmed karma:
For photo posts:
For text posts:
However, not like everyone might think, Reddit Karma doesn’t exactly equal to the amount of upvotes other users send towards your posts and comments.
For example, if you submit a post, and it gets 100 upvotes, you don’t always get 100 Karma. Or if you make a great comment, a lot of people like it, and you get 300 upvotes, it doesn’t have to be 300 Karma.
The number of Upvote Reddit you get does not always give the same amount of Karma.
This doesn’t mean that you got some upvotes from flagged/shadowbanned accounts. It’s because Reddit has their own way, algorithm, to calculate the Karma.
It takes plenty of factors when calculating the Karma, some of them are:
According to our researches, you can get a lot more reaches If you post during 6 A.M to 8 A.M on Sunday (Eastern Time). If you are from the US, this could be quite weird for you, but Reddit has a ton of users coming from different countries, and this is the best time for them all.
Use this tool to convert ET to your local time if you are not from the US:
r/AskReddit is a fascinating Q&A forum which is open for everyone. You can post any type of question here, covering any subject you like.
You can also ask questions to specialists for advice, like asking doctors what are the weirdest things they have ever faced, or asking people about the most important things you should have in your bedroom, etc.
Ask funny stuff to bring people joy.
If you have an interesting question, it’s most likely that you will gain a ton of upvotes and comments. Also, don’t hesitate to answer people comments to get more upvotes as well.
Gain more karma by replying in the newest questions as well! If you have a funny responds, you can get up to thousands of karma.
There is a special place called r/FreeKarma4U (NSFW) where you can submit anything you want and people will upvote them without any reasons, automatically and immediately. That’s the point of this subreddit.
If you want to help out people, you can upvote their posts as well. And don’t forget to comment in their submissions to earn some extra comment karma.
This is another easy way to get Reddit karma.
You maybe always give the best comments and posts, but they could get buried under a ton of other submissions. Especially in the biggest subreddits, it’s very hard for people to see all of the new posts.
If you are only hunting for karma, it’s also great to stick with the newest or rising posts in your targeted subreddits.
If you can determine which posts are going to gain a ton of karma, take the advantage, make a great comment, and earn a ton of comment karma.
One trick we usually do is to make some nice comments on r/AskReddit, and buy upvote comments from our Panel, your comments will get skyrocketed to the top in no time.
Whenever someone comments on your post, regardless of the content, just give them a reply, even if you just have to say thanks. This makes people like you a lot more, and surely increases the chance of you getting more upvotes in the future. It also shows people that you are always open to any type of comments in your posts.
This is always one of my favorite ways to slowly farm karma. Free comment karma for you, for sure.
Since getting some nice converts via niche subreddits is very easy, it’s always tempting for new people to focus on small subs. It’s always the best strategy when it comes to getting conversion, but if you are getting karma, don’t ignore the huge subreddits such as r/hmmm, r/funny, r/AskReddit, etc.
You still can focus on small niche subreddits at the same time if you want to focus on them later. Getting well-known by the targeted communities is always a great idea.
Finally, posting great content is always an all-time-working strategy. Post the content your communities love to see, make sure they are interesting, attractive, and unique. You will eventually get all of the karma you want.
Let’s make it easier to understand by having an example.
Say you make a post on Reddit using a brand-new Reddit account, and then you purchase 100 upvotes from our Reddit panel, you will probably see some of these scenarios:
This means, while the quality of the upvotes is important, the age/quality of your account is also the key.
The more karma your account has, the easier your post rank.
By simply purchasing an aged account from us, with at least 1,000 karma, even if your post has only 100 upvotes, you can easily outrank other posts with 150-200 upvotes, being posted by less-quality account.
This gives you a step ahead of everyone, especially if you are new to the Reddit game and want to make some revenue immediately.
This is also super useful in NSFW niche, Onlyfans, etc. where you only need to buy around 100 upvotes from our Panel to skyrocket your post to the top immediately.
This is an unshared trick that we have been using for years now. We do not only sell the upvotes, we also sell the results.
Karma isn’t the best thing when it comes to marketing on Reddit, but it definitely helps a lot: From building your trust, to making you able to post in high-karma-requirement subreddits.
Once you get more familiar, farming Reddit karma isn’t a nightmare at all. Actually, it is quite interesting.
Happy using Empire Upvotes!